Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 5

Well as you probably figured out, we moved our moving date. The truck is now the 27/28th so we have a little more time to work on the house. The roofers are basically finished so no more leaks! Dad and I have also been making progress. This will probably be the last picture until everything is finished.

And non-house related, but Mary got a new car this week!(Bye bye BMW:(, Hellooooo Lexus!

Mary will post pictures of her new suv soon Im sure.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting a pic! Is that the final paint colors? I can't quite tell, but it looks like you went with 1 green wall and brown on all the others, ad brown for the fireplace that what you did?
    Keep up the good work-- you're almost there!! :)
